Online Surveys
On-line surveys are cost effective for collecting feedback from clients, members, the general public or others. As experienced form designers, I make forms easy and fun to encourage respondents to participate in a survey. Forms data is available electronically, without transcription errors and this makes it quicker and easier for stakeholders to collect and analyse.
Survey Data
Submitted survey data can be stored in the database and/or emailed to administrators. Statistical reports can be produced from the data showing the results directly from the database. This information can be made available publicly or restricted to specific users only.
Data can be exported in CSV or spreadsheet formats for further analysis and manipulation.
Survey Demographic Targeting
Surveys can be targeted at specific demographics by using (for example) a Facebook or Google advertising campaign.
Online Forms
For online forms, I use and recommend the excellent ChronoForms Joomla extension for forms creation, forms to email and forms to database features.
Custom Forms
ChronoForms makes it easy to add custom code to (for example), add complex form field validation, selection of an email recipient via a drop down list and dynamic subject lines. The possibilities are endless.
Forms Styling
ChronoForms are also easy to style via customised CSS code so that the look and feel of the form can be modified for your particular application.
Forms Data
Once data has been stored in the database, it can be exported as a CSV or spreadsheet and/or compiled into a report.
Value For Money
With my developer license for ChronoForms, I can install it on any website I build or maintain and I don't pass this cost on to clients. This is extra value at no cost to you!